Efficiently slice sequences, including lists, tuples, and strings, into a sequence subset in Python.
Skill Levels
Ordered By Publish Date
- Functional Python using the built-in functions map and filter. Includes an interactive coding challenge.
- List comprehensions are a concise Python syntax for creating lists.
- Zip is a Python built-in function to iterate over multiple iterables in parallel.
- Calculate basketball expected values using Python.
- Built-in Python function for looping with an index counter.
- Convert a list of 1's and 0's into a list of boolean values while introducing key concepts in Python.
- Evaluate an object value as truthy or falsy with Python truth value testing.
- Improved Python syntax for formatting strings
- Python data types for representing sequential characters.
- Scraping NBA data from Basketball Reference in Python.
- Loading NBA CSV data from GitHub in Python.
- Calculate the Pythagorean expected wins of NBA teams using Python.
- A brief history of software operations examining virtual machines and containers.
- A concise introduction to Docker, images, and containers.
- An interactive introduction to writing your first lines of Python code.